Friday, November 3, 2023

Discern, Help and stay Positive.

Written by Lynelle Clark - 3 November 2023

It does not help to support a human being when you do not intend to teach.

I hear these statements a lot: “They must get a job.” 

“They got themselves in this mess. They must get them out of the mess.” 

“All they do with the money is waste it.” 

“They will buy booze with the money.”

You know all the above statements. All ring true, but many are not true. All those statements hurts. It is degrading and does not help at all. Your inability to look past the beggar’s appearance robs you from being the hands and feet of God. This is not only the problem of the state or a few institutions. It is a problem that needs all hands-on deck.

Unless you have not been in their shoes, you will not understand the self-loathing and bitterness many struggles with. Survival doesn’t ask what your background is, what your skin colour is or what your beliefs are. Hunger has no colour. It is like a wild animal in survival mode. And it will survive at a price, even to death of self. Survival takes your dignity; it messes with your head and at your weakest point you are easily influenced. Like Esau, you will sell your birthright for a bowl of soup. This caused a rift between him and his brother, Jacob, for many years. So much so that Jacob had to hide from his brother for a long time.

When we say we want to change a culture, then we have to understand both sides of the coin. This is true of all other groups within our society. We must find the common ground and take hands. Through understanding, we can change. When we keep on pointing the finger, the problem will escalate. Through understanding, we can find solutions. But be wise.

Jesus showed this when He became man. He remained God, but he showed compassion and empathy with all people. He sat at their table and went to the synagogue with them. Visited them at home, healed the sick and spoke to the adulteress woman. No one was excluded, not even the Samaritan woman. She compared herself with a dog, but Jesus saw her lost state. Likewise, we must remain true believers and have empathy with people of all races, colour, and circumstances.

The man at Bethesda had a bed and, after he was healed, he took his bed and walked to the temple to praise God. Jesus enabled him to shift from a sickly beggar next to the pool of Bethesda to a man that testified to God’s goodness. That is true repentance. Migrating from an inaccurate position to an accurate position puts you in a place where God can open doors for you. It is a slow process, but it begins with that one step. Just like that, we must enable people to stand up. Teach them how to serve. Teach them a skill. Give them the tools to stand up.

Consider who to help. Jesus didn’t heal every person at the pool, but something in this lame man moved Jesus to heal him. Jesus looked deeper and saw the heart of a genuine believer. A man that will serve the Father with zeal. We must stop wasting time with those who don’t want to change and invest in those who do. We cannot generalise and think everyone is the same. That doesn’t mean we mustn’t reach out; it just means be wise with your resources. Most people have lost the ability to discern. Why? Because they don’t spend time in the Word of God. The Word teaches you how to distinguish, and how to serve those less fortunate the best. The biggest command is to be fishers of men and to teach them. But, to teach, you must study the Word of God. You must know God’s heart and understand His will. Together we can change this city, this nation and heal the land, but it begins with us first. Next time you see a beggar, ask: “Lord, how must I extend my hand? Is this good ground to invest in?” And when you receive the go-ahead, become a fisher of men. Reach out and give with the assurance that God is in control.

Hephzibeula Intercontinental Ministries 
Lynelle Clark

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