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Another day
21 October began like many other days. Stand up, go to the bathroom to relieve yourself, switch on the kettle, then proceed to the shower to open the tap … But for many, this is not the case. On this day, sponsors and volunteers of Word and Life church in partnership with Devoted Street Ministry came together to make this normal activity a reality for 225 homeless people.
Designated Areas
The day began with a beehive of activity. Each volunteer knew what was expected and did it with a big smile.
Led by the husband-and-wife team, Koos and Zoe Gouws, every phase was implemented with precision and care. All with one aim, to serve the underprivileged.
Soon, the parking lot of the Ekurhuleni Metro police in Brakpan became a sanctuary.
Eleven stalls were created:
- Medical aid manned by
- Waiting room.
- Counseling
- Towel section.
- Clothing area
- Shower
- Hair salon
- Coffee and tea station
- Food
- Water, Cool drink, fruit and sweets
- Prayer manned by Worthy Ministry Brakpan
Thank you Sponsors
We hear so often that people don’t care about the homeless people, but on this day that sentiment was proved wrong. Many sponsors made this possible. Four branches of Chery; Centurion, Sandton, Northcliff and Kempton Park worked together to create a magical day for every person.
AfriTech provided the generator for the showers. Making it a pleasant experience for something many think it is a right. Word and Life - Woord en Lewe Church in Boksburg for their generous contributions and many skilled volunteers. Without them, all the work could not have been done.
The volunteers at the different booths were on their post to make this truly an unforgettable day.
Ps. 91 Ministries, CPF, the medical team from the Guardian Angels First Responders and Truth Heals. Rata Brakpan Social Services, I Care Collective, and Worthy Ministry Brakpan.
Huis Bethlehem Huis van Brood, Soul Outreach Community Centre and Good Vibes pub and Grill in partnership with Clan 3663 van die Crusaders motor cycle club.
Magic became real
"This was unforgettable.”
“Thank you.”
“Die Here seën julle.”
“Ek voel soos ‘n nuwe mens.”
“Well organized.”
These were just some comments we heard throughout the day. As each visit the different booths, and received much needed attention and pampering, one could not help but become emotional at the sight of the smiles generated by the generosity.
The highest form of Worship is to Serve
The meals were prepped by a dedicated staff from Ps 91 Ministries that truly went beyond to fill the empty stomachs. Children received toys and clothes and shoes were handed out. Each person received a towel with cleaning products and the transformation was visible once they stepped away from the hair stylist’s chair. As the photographer of the day, I could capture the beaming smiles, the anticipation of those in the waiting lines as they, too, long for normalcy in their day. May we never become complacent in the privileges we enjoy.
Guardian Angels First Responders,
Our motivation was to give back their dignity and right of dignity. Many of these people are too shy to go to the clinic for assistance because they are scared that they will be judged or turned away. We have received many complaints that the clinic doesn't really want to help them when they need it. Each one of these people needs to know they have a right to medical care, and nobody can take it away from them. We l love it to make someone else smile that keeps us going and always ready to assist if we are able to. We want to try and always make a difference no matter how big or small.
Anttionette and Terrence Du Toit,
Our motivation was to serve as Jesus would have done. Cutting the hair of so many that needed it was wonderful. Terrence prayed and shared the good news with them. On behalf of me and my husband we want to say thank you for the event, it was truly a humbling experience.
Antoinette Hattingh,
My motivation has one name and His name is Jesus Christ. Everything I do I do for Him and because He loves souls, I love souls. I know it pleases the Father if I become like His Son and do what His Son did. The Lord led me to pray specifically for children at the Street Shower and it was an honor to be part of it. Thank you for letting me be part.
Colette Swanepoel,
My grootste begeerte was om al daai mense te laat weet: “Dat hulle Baie belangrik is vir Jesus, en Dat God hulle Baie lief het. Die Here aanvaar jou net soos jy is, en jy die grootste Koning se kind is. Dit is nooit te laat om die Here se hand te vat nie. Baie dankie dit was ‘n eer vir my om te kon help. Ek was ook waar hulle is, net 3 jaar terug. Ek het die Here om hulp gevra en my lewe in die Here se hand gesit, en ek is vrygekoop deur Jesus. Dankie almal.
Kurt Waurich,
For me, I count it a privilege to serve. To show empathy and compassion to others and to try in a small way to alleviate some of their sufferings. To go out there to speak to the people and to try and understand the challenges that they face and empathize with their struggles.
Zoey Gouws organiser of the event,
I've always loved working with the broken and poorest people, they are honest and desperate for change, God gave me this calling about four years ago and it's an honour to save one soul at a time for God's Kingdom. I also lived on the streets with my oldest daughter, I know the struggles people face, the loneliness and the desperation for change. Even if it's just for 1 day to let them feel special. They are also God's children just a bit lost.
Hanelie Storbeck,
My beweegrede om betrokke te raak by die Street Shower, was om Hoop te bring aan ‘n verloregaande wêreld ...
Jesus is ons Hoop op Heerlikheid ... Die gedagte wat Hy aangaande ons het is ‘n "hoopvolle toekoms" ... Asook Dankbaarheid!!
Ek is dankbaar teenoor die Here, dat Hy my hierdie afgelope 4jr deurgedra het, deur my moeilike pad van kolonkanker. Ek het weer opnuut besef wat dit beteken om Hoop te hê en ek wil daardie "Hoop" met almal deel.
Seënwense xxx
Jeanette Kleinhans,
Die Here se gaan uit en gaan dissipels van mense ons moet die seer die weduwees en die mismoedigis gaan bemoedig met die goeie woord daar is hoop daar is liefde en Jesus Christus kan dit vir hul bied . Ons moet die mismoedig die woord gee sodat hul weet in hul nood is daar hoop. Ons is meer as oorwinners ons almal het seer gehad was diep gaan haal ... hul moet weet hul is worthy en gelief . Die woord gee .moed God vat jou soos jy is maar gaan jou nie los soos jy is nie.
Jenny van Graan,
From our side, I Care Collective (we want to network with other organisations to streamline outreaches and projects more productively and effectively wherever we can). It is our directive from Christ to share to gospel. Go and tell others what He has done for you. We have come to know the Brakpan homeless quite well. We have lost 14 friends in these 2 years to either substance abuse over dose, suicide, or murder. They were not nameless faces—we knew them, albeit briefly. Our one peace of mind is that we reached them and told them about Jesus. We prayed with them and encouraged where we could. We have heard their stories, their choices, wrong decisions and desperation pleas. Have we not made some ourselves? And yes some of them do choose to live on the streets and until such time that they decide to make that change they will know that there are people who do not even know them but are still willing to help and still treat them like the people they are—the people Jesus gave His life for. We do not stand in judgement; we have not walked their journey, but with caring people who have the love of God and a serving heart, I believe we can change their lives. We can show them that with Jesus, all things are possible. We do it until...
Thank you all each and everyone for yesterday❤
Samantha & James Muldoon
Our Motivation for being part of this event was to see the smiling face and the joy in everyone's hearts after cleaning themselves up and having their hair done. We could see they have a new positive feel and look for life. We won alot of hearts for Jesus yesterday and it was the very best feeling in the world to make a difference in their lives.
Yolandi Maree - Truth Heals,
We are all about what our name says - healing no matter who you are or where you come from. God created us all in his image and created us with a purpose. Yesterday was so special to see hope in faces seen a million times. To spread the love, hope and God's faithfulness is what we are called for. Thank you Lord, that we could be part of this special day. Until next year, can't wait!!
Loraine Du Plessis - Worthy Ministry,
Ek is deur God geroep om die Evangelie van Jesus aan almal te verkondig. Onģeag hoe hul lyk of ruik. Ek moet Jesus se liefde deel en wys aan almal sodat geen een verlore gaan nie. Ek wil tyd met hulle spandeer soos Jesus sou ... daarom is enige geleentheid perfek om Jesus te verteenwoordig.
Ronel Joubert,
My rede is omdat Pappa my ‘n hart vir mense gegee het ... ongeag kleur, status, en ouderdom. Hy het gekom om te red. As ek net een mens Sy liefde kan wys en hoop te bring kan dit n verskil maak. Jesus roep ons om Sy liefde te openbaar in ‘n gebroke wêreld. Van hierdie mense wat ons gister bedien het lewe soms waar hulle net die donker kant van die lewe sien en dae soos gister gee ons die geleentheid om lig te skyn in ‘n donker wêreld. Dankie Jesus dat ons instrumente kan wees om Jou te eer. Amen
Linda Marais, RATA,
Last night, after the rugby, when I went to bed, it was as if the voice told me I had to testify. It was so amazing. I started working at Rata 6 years ago. I always wondered how we will ever reach All the people? How our kitchen would give the many mouths food? A year ago, the Lord sent these wonderful people on our way. Ps. Magda and her team was a God send. Doing such a good job feeding the people. I met Jenny and Werner and the Lord opened so many doors for us at Rata through them. Now we are so blessed with everything that has developed there. Last year’s street shower created a lot of excitement. This year, again the excitement grew. All the planning that was put in has been done so well. We got to know so many people and I trust that Daddy Father and Jesus has not yet come so that we could do it again. How blessed to be part of Jesus' children who can stand together and be His light. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless everyone who contributes and works so hard. What a privilege to be a child of Jesus.
Meryl Waurich,
My reason for participating in the street shower was to show the street people love and kindness. Some were living just like us, and through various circumstances, they are now having to live on the street. Others were born into difficult circumstances. As much as we may feel we are better than them, the only thing that separates us is circumstance. We may only be able to help them on days like these, but God is able and willing to help them every second of every day. The greatest gift we can give them is a relationship with God, through His Son Jesus Christ. Ultimately, He is the provider of each and every one of us. It was a privilege to serve them.
Chery SA,
We, Chery SA, and myself as Customer Experience Manager, as well as my colleagues Ronel Joubert and Samantha Muldoon from Customer Care decided to be a part of the Street Shower Charity Event because We've witnessed the hardships faced by individuals who are homeless. It's heart-wrenching to see people struggling to meet their basic hygiene needs. We believe that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. Providing showers and a clean, safe space for those in need is a simple yet impactful way to offer them a sense of hope and restore their self-esteem.
We have all been fortunate in our lives, and want to share that good fortune with others who are less fortunate. Being a part of this event allows us to give back to our community and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need it most. It's not just about providing a shower; it's about showing empathy, kindness, and support to our fellow human beings. It warms my heart to know that through this event, we can bring a little comfort and care to those who have faced immense challenges in their lives and in Chery we firmly believe in doing anything we do with Care and Love one of our biggest driving factors #WithCheryWithLove." It was a privilege and a great honour.
Michelle Smit - Chery South Africa.
Joseph Botha,
As God has a perfect plan for my life and wake me up every morning with a purpose, so does He with each and every one of those precious people in need of a brim of hope... Their purpose is maybe not the same as mine for now, but when I was lost and suffering the roller-coaster ride of this world's stormy tide, I learned to be a blessing for those who is currently caught up in survival mode. Therefore, I can be the Hands , Ears and Heart of Jesus to proclaim the Good news, Jesus... A drop of Blood was enough to break every chain that is holding them captive and His love is never ending...
Therefore, I wanted to be a part of this outreach to make a difference... I truly hope that every one of the 225 people could see the love of Jesus in my eyes and experiences what is to come for if they are prepared to take what was given to them on this specific day and time and cherries it, everything will work out for the good... Thank you for everyone who made this possible and to make a difference for years to come.. Jesus liefde ❤
The reasoning behind our involvement: Abie, Michelle, Lizey & Logan Smit,
The Greatest Commandment:* In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Charity work is seen as a way to express love for one's neighbor. The motivation for charity work as a Christian is driven by the belief that serving others is a way to reflect God's love and fulfill the teachings of Jesus. It's not just about providing material aid but also about showing kindness, compassion, and empathy to those who are suffering or in need. This charitable work is seen as a way to live out one's faith and make a positive impact on the world. The motivation for charity in the context is multifaceted, encompassing love, compassion, service, and a desire to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. It's about making a positive difference in the world, both in material support and in the expression of God's love and grace to others. I finally found a purpose in my job.❤❤❤
Bianca Wright,
From my side my motivation was to help give back to the community as they are still humans and deserve to feel and be treated like humans . Being able to be part of such a beautiful event has opened up a new for me to view life and be grateful.
But I must say my greatest motivation was to help the people that don't have much back onto the path that has been set for them by our Lord.
Wayne Hunt D.C.,
Greetings and congratulations on the RATA team and all their sponsors for the dedication and determination on assisting and helping the community members who are in dire straits... We as EMS C&T services are always there for our community and work hand in hand with RATA and other organizations that do or are involved with Christian work... to see a smile on a destitute human face especially on recieving a plate of proper food, clothed, a little toy for their child, and a shower...priceless
It was a pleasure and honour to help with this exciting and wonderful day... GOD BLESS and thank you for inviting our Brakpan team..
We all thank and have and always will be there.
Kind regards
Wayne Hunt D.C
and team.
Bianca Wright,
From my side my motivation was to give back to the community as they are still humans and deserve to feel and be treated like humans beings.
Being part of such a beautiful event has opened up something new for me to view life and be grateful.
But my greatest motivation was to help get them, that don't have much, back onto the path that has been set for them by our Lord.
Jackie van Wyk,
This was an absolute privilege and honour to have been blessed to play a minor role in the success of the street shower on Saturday. I always had a longing to do something good and try to make a difference. I had a vision of starting a charity day yearly and doing just that was the only way I thought we can contribute, and it worked. My hope and prayer is that we can do this annually and grow this amazing street shower to become one of the biggest and most successful charity events and more people in need can be helped.
I want to thank Zoe and the Devoted Street Ministry. You are the example of what Good in the world should look like. You are amazing.
Ps. Magda van der Merwe,
We, Psalm 91 Soul Recovery, is blessed to be God's hands, voice, and feet in His soup kitchen. To each and every one you have done a great and good deed for the Lord God Almighty and was a blessing for Him and every one.
In my heart I know that some of them wil never stop talking about 21 October and are already looking forward to 2024.
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